Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bad Blogger, Very Bad Blogger

So, we've been a little busy. We've been having fun! Between dinner parties and birthday parties, there hasn't been enough time in the day to update Maryam's blog...BAD MOMMY! Last week we had the Carnes over for dinner and Guitar Hero Aerosmith Edition. The McClouds came over too to play some Guitar Hero, then beat Daddy at Halo....Maryam mostly just walked in front of the TV and messed us up! But that's what babies do with video game systems!
Here is Ian and Anna playing in Maryam's kitchen, while Maryam sat on Mayda's lap for some story time.
Here are Christy and Me....We really should have had someone else take the picture, huh?
Maryam and Anna playing with Mayda so we could continue playing Guitar Hero. Anna and Maryam play great together! Its so nice. Christy, Mayda and I grew up together, now our kids will be able to do the same. Thanks for moving back to CA Carnes Family!
This same day Maryam had PT. She saw Peggy, who LOVES watching Maryam play. The therapy office has this huge pediatric gym where Maryam has free reign to do what she wants in and she does! First she was walking on mats, which was hysterical because each mat has a different density, so she had a hard time keeping her balance and couldn't figure out why! Eventually she was able to get on and off and transition between the mats without falling. Yeah! Then she moved on to the ball pit. We showed her how to get in and out properly so that she could learn to do it independently. Once she got into the pit, she wanted to throw all the balls out. So, we helped her out of the pit and showed her that she's supposed to put the balls back inside. Once she got all the balls back inside, she wanted to go back in the pit to throw them out again. This would have went on for hours if we let her! One of her trips out of the ball pit she fell and smacked her head on the tile floor. I thought she had figured out how to get out properly by herself. She started doing it right, then at the last minute she turned her whole body around and instead of going feet first, she took a header. She cried and we called it quits.
We did notice that Maryam has learned to pivot to turn. So, she's not taking those really wide turns that requires an entire room to change directions. And her stance has narrowed tremendously both when she stands still and when she walks. Also, her arms have come down quite a bit. She was walking with her hands up over her head, now they're more down by her side and she's able to carry much bigger and much heavier items around without falling as much.
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