Monday, September 29, 2008

Big Bear Weekend

We spent the weekend in Big Bear with the Carnes Family. (Anna's family) We had a GREAT time. We went up Friday night and came home last night. Saturday we spent the day at Oktoberfest. Brett and Kelly won a log sawing contest and get to go back for the semi finals at the end of the month. Christ and Kelly won the girls log sawing contest and get to go back too! I didn't dare compete, my back still hurts a lot and I'm very weak (even when my back is fine, I'm still a weakling!). I would have helped my team lose!
Maryam had to be on oxygen the whole time we were there. We think because of the altitude. On the way up the mountain we had to pull over and hook her up because she started coughing really bad. When going to Big Bear it takes about 15 minutes to climb 4000 ft. I'm almost certain it was from the altitude, (We live at 2500 ft. Big Bear is almost 7000 ft.) but she's at the doctor now to make sure its not something else. The first night we kept her at 1/4 liter per minute and by the end of the weekend she was down to 1/8 liter per minute.
She still coughed at night, even when we turned up the O2. And since we've been home she's still needed the oxygen and is still coughing. That's another reason why we took her in today. Just to be on the safe side.
I'll update when Brett gets home from taking her in.
Oh, in good news, Maryam gets her glasses tomorrow! My cousin Brian did us a favor and sold the glasses to us at his cost. And my Grams said she'd cover the cost for us. So tomorrow Maryam will get both pairs of glasses. Hopefully she'll wear them. If anyone has any tips on how to keep glasses on a 19 month old, SHARE please!

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