Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cowdy JJ's 40th Birthday Party

Here's the cake that Brett made for JJ's 40th birthday party. The layers are symbolic of his adult life. He graduated from UNC, then went into the Marine Corps and eventually if Auntie Brande will let him, he'll retire. The guy is JJ climbing the ladder. It was Brett's vision.

I don't know who had my camera most of the night, but this is the only descent photo I got of Cowdy JJ at his birthday party. He's pictured with Grandpa Langdon, Maryam's GREAT Grandpa!

Here is Princess Maryam and Prince Aidan. I LOVE his smile in this picture. The last time I saw Aidan he wouldn't pose for a picture with Maryam, but on Sunday I said, "will you sit down in this chair next to Maryam so I can take a picture of you together?" He said, "yes." Sat down and smiled at her! It was ADORABLE. I love that kid.

Here are my boys! Maryam and her cousins. Brande and I even made sure that she coordinated with them so we could get a descent picture. Well, this is the closest I got. Trip is the only one smiling at the camera. Collin is at least looking at the camera and Paddy and Maryam are doing their own thing. I think they're looking at Grandma. Oh well, we'll try again next time!!!
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