Thursday, September 11, 2008

Photos from today

Here is Maryam sitting next to her favorite chair in the house....why? I don't know. But when I took this picture she was trying to say "piggies." It sounded more like "peeeg."
Here are Maryam and Anna playing in the "off limits" room. They do this a lot. I'm not very good at keeping it off limits though.
Here is Maryam running outside in the rain....Bishop decided to chase her. Notice how her left arm is. That's what the therapist was talking about. Her left arm is practically across her chest while the right arm swings as its supposed to. And ALL day today I had to keep telling her not to walk on her toes. She understands me because she goes down on to her heels for a few steps, then she's back up again. I'm doing the exercises so hopefully we'll see an improvement over time. One thing I noticed today while doing the exercises was that her left ankle is much tighter than her right ankle. When I told Brett he was concerned because the trouble with her shoulder is on her left side too. When all the CP talk was going around a few months ago, we did some research and learned that some of the common signs are having one side dominance, tightness in the tendons and low muscle tone. Well, her left ankle is tight and her left shoulder has very low tone. But does that show that one side is dominant over the other? I'll have to ask about that.
In VERY good news, I heard back from Dr. Wojtczak, Maryam's Pediatric Pulmonologist and he agrees that her numbers look good enough to stop supplementing her oxygen! HOORAY! He wants to wait 4 to 6 weeks to see if she continues to do well, if she does, he'll write the order for her to be released! HOORAY! I've still been checking her every night and will continue to do so while we have the pulse oximeter here. Last night when I went to sleep she was at 97%! That is AWESOME!
Keep her in your prayers. Thank you.
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1 comment:

  1. That's great news about her oxygen! :)
    I'll be praying about the other things Jen.
    She is such a sweetheart! :)
