Saturday, October 4, 2008

Del Taco

So, Brett went to Del Taco to pick up some lunch for us. I always have him get a small order of french fries for Maryam because she likes to gnaw on them. However today she wanted a burrito.
She took turns going from my burrito to Daddy's burrito. After I finished eating my burrito I went into the kitchen to clean up and Brett came with me. He went back in to the living room and saw Maryam taking a bite out of an unopened burrito! Apparently she had taken a huge bite out of wrapper!
He took the burrito out of the wrapper and let her have it. She poked at it, squeezed it, took a bite out of it, tore pieces of it off and even managed to swallow some beans! HOORAY!
But, per usual, she turned back to her "comfort" food. Note that she actually fell asleep with her glasses on and a Cheese Puff in her hand. Such a sweetie.
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1 comment:

  1. Yahhh for the swallowed beans! :-)
    Way to go Maryam! :)
    She's a doll-baby whether asleep or awake. :-)
