Thursday, October 2, 2008


Today Shawn Carnes graduated from federal law enforcement training at 29 Palms MCAGCC! Hooray for Shawn! Shawn is married to one of my best friends in the whole wide world, Christi Marie. She and Mayda Marie have been two of my "railroad track" friends for most of my life. (We're the 3 Maries!) Christi pretty much forced me to get pregnant when she found out she was pregnant with Anna. She was very persuasive, even from Kansas! She even posted a blog entry directed at Brett! And thank God she was persistent because look what we got!

Here is Maryam on day two of her glasses. Today she took her glasses off twice. Both times were in the car. She's still rear facing, which I'm sure is super boring for her, but way safer so she has to suffer through boring car trips because I'm overly cautious. And I think because she was bored she decided to play with her newest accessory. She handed them to me when I opened the door to take her out. She had them folded up and was handling them very carefully. I was a bit surprised by how delicately she handled them. We took her to the local optometrist, Dr. Rochford today, and he adjusted the glasses so they set better on her face. And he confirmed that the plastic frames were indeed too small for her face. Brian said he'd order her a different pair in a larger size and all will be well with the world of optics again.
In some SUPER wonderful eating news, Maryam swallowed at least 5 bites of saltine crackers tonight at dinner! HOORAY! w00t! Yippee! SWEET! RAD! (insert your own exclamation here!) AND she swallowed at least 2 bites of a french fry dipped in ranch. It was so cool. She'd take a bite of cracker and then take a swig of water to help her wash it down! It was like she was an old pro. I tried to act like it was no big deal, but the HUGE grin on my face could not be erased. I even got all teary eyed. NO I'm not pregnant, it was just a super big deal!
Tomorrow is my last day babysitting Anna. I'm so sad about that. She's such a doll and she has helped Maryam in so many ways. The bond Maryam and Anna have created is priceless. Anna has taught Maryam so much, just by being around her. Today at the ceremony when they saw each other, they both lit up! It was so cute. I'm going to miss that little grumpis and so will Maryam.

Thank you for all the comments from yesterday's post.

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1 comment:

  1. The glasses are so cute! She looks like such a big girl!
