Thursday, November 6, 2008

More Otter Pop Fun

Maryam has actually learned to say "Otta Pop" instead of just "pop". Last night she asked for an Otter Pop and the only one we had left was a purple one. I gave it to her and she asked for another. I tried explaining that this was the last one. She took it reluctantly and went on her merry way. After a few minutes she came running up to me saying, "Mommy otta pop yuck". So I looked up to see this! She broke the packaging of the Otter Pop and I guess enough of it had melted to get her nice and purple. Needless to say we went straight to the bathtub.
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1 comment:

  1. I love her perfectly straight face! It's like she's saying "what?? do I have something on my face? Seriously. . what are you looking at?" Time for an Otta Pop run to the store!
    ((HUGS)) from Ohio - Ellen & Ally
