Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Tree

Here is our beautiful Disney Christmas tree! EVERY ornament on the tree is some how related to Disney. We had way more Disney ornaments than I thought we did. I bought red bulbs to use as filler, but it turns out we didn't need to. It was great because Maryam kept pointing at the tree and saying "Mickey". And I'd ask "Where?" And she kept pointing all over the was really cute.
I have a feeling that we're going to be decorating the tree again tomorrow. I can imagine her waking up in the morning and taking the ornaments off of the tree. And then trying to put them back, all the while repeating "on...Mickey...on...Mickey...on...Mickey". Good times.
Tomorrow we're having a little family gathering to celebrate Maryam's 2nd birthday. I CANNOT believe that our little baby is about to turn two! It is shocking how fast this time has flown by. I'll be eternally grateful for her, and for her will to live. Without the fight in her, she may not have made it to two. Thank you again to all of our family and friends for always keeping her in your hearts and prayers.

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1 comment:

  1. Hi

    My daughter also micro preemei(27)
    (2006) IUGR ,we are from san diego.Would like to contact you by mail .Do you have an id?
    Thank you so much :)Maryam is an inspiration for parents like me
