Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Big Girl

Maryam climbed up the ladder.
Got on the slide.
And went down all by herself. I cannot believe what a big girl she has become.
Funny Maryam story. Maryam wanted to watch The Backyardigans and I was cooking dinner. She brought me the remote and asked for me to change the channel for her. She asked by saying, "backins on peace. More backins peace". I told her that I was almost finished and will put it on in a few minutes and then asked OK? And she said, OK Mommy, then walked away. Next thing I hear her saying, "oh no, oh no". So, I go in to the living room to see what she did when I see her point the remote to the TV and say "Backins peace". When it didn't turn on she threw the remote down and said "awe man, boken".

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