Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Jax got a new cup

Jax got a new cup. It said 6+ months on the label, but this little guy CANNOT get anything out! Its crazy! He'll have it for 5 to 10 minutes and get nothing out. I think I'm going to throw it away. I'd donate it, but I'm afraid some other little baby will be equally frustrated by it.
But other than the fact he can't get anything out of it, he sure looks great trying! Ha!

I think I'm going to move him straight to one of the Take n Toss style cups. Anyone have any advice on this? Any would be appreciated. Comment, text 619-618-5742 or email Thanks.
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1 comment:

  1. Have you tried getting anything out of it yourself to make sure there is nothing wrong with it? Some cups have valves that kind of get stuck until some extra strong suction is applied, then it's easier. I was never a fan of the take n toss cups myself, but starting off, the NUBY cups are the only ones that Ally would/could use. Maybe because of the silicone spout? Who knows. You know he'll chew/bite on the spout, so he should be able to figure it out pretty quickly. What a big boy! :)
