Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Jax Attacks!!

I think this toy was the first toy Maryam used to stand up too! Funny how similar they are, yet how different they can be.

Here Jax is trying to use this lion to walk. This was Maryam's too. It lights up and plays music when you push his purple nose. It's a super cute toy. That's probably why I hung on to it.
Jax is cruising all around the house...and still falling all around the house too. He stands up on anything that will support him. He tried using Maryam's stool in the bathroom to stand up. He fell of course, but then tried again 30 seconds later and fell again. He's eating more table food. He seems to like graham crackers! He HATES oranges though. Watching his face when I tried giving him an orange, was hilarious! Wow! He was mad at me!
He still isn't saying anything. He has said Dada a few times, but that's it. Oh well, he'll get there one day and I'll be begging him to stop talking!
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