Friday, July 20, 2007

Maryam on day 3...looking good!

In this picture you can see how the syringe is hanging down into the tube, that's her feeding tube. Its hanging that way so contents can empty back in to her stomach instead of emptying into a bag.

In this picture you can see how her hand is wrapped so she can't get anywhere near pulling her IV out.

In this picture you can see that she's already curious again and grabbing at things to play with. And you can see the tube is pinned to my gown to keep it elevated.
We're just getting home from another day at the hospital and she is doing wonderfully! Maryam is already being social and wanting to play. She's been taken off one of her pain meds and is only on Tylenol every 6 hours. They had to change her IV from her right foot to her right hand because the one in her foot collapsed. IV's are usually only good for a few days. Her nurse today was Jennifer, we love her. She's the one who made Maryam a few blankets last time we were in the NICU and also made 2 oxygen tank cozies so her oxygen tank is pretty. When she came in this morning Maryam smiled a big smile at her. And when her doctor came in to examine her she smiled at her as well! They're all so excited to see that she still has a wonderful disposition after all that she's been through.
Today they hung her G-tube to see how her tummy reacts to having contents back in it. She's already started passing gas, which tells us that her bowels are working again. Tomorrow they're going to try to start her on clear fluids and see how she reacts. We're just so proud of her!
We also had a wonderful visit with former NICU surrogate parents Carrie & Terry. Carrie carried twin boys for her sister Jennifer. Some of you have heard about them. They were in the NICU with us and thankfully got to go home to KS once the boys got healthy enough to fly. Poor Carrie got REALLY sick while she was pregnant, but thank God, she and both boys are doing great now!
Thanks again everyone for all the wonderful comments and prayers you're sending Maryam. We love and appreciate you all. I posted a link to more photos of Maryam on the top right of the page.....enjoy!
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  1. We're so happy Maryam that you are doing so well on this 3rd day after surgery!! We're still praying for you!! We're hoping you can go home next week. Take care and God Bless!!
    Love from us all, Great Grandma, Great Aunt Kathy, Great Uncle Tom and Great Aunt Karen

  2. So glad to come & see that Maryam is doing so well! We knew she would! Our prayers are with you all. Take care~
    Julie & The boys

  3. I've been following your blog and have been praying for all of you . I'm so happy everything is going so good. Maryam is a little doll. Kiss her for me!! Take care. Anna (from Fresno)
