Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Post op....the Tummy Shot!

Before / After

Maryam came out of surgery at 2:45pm. I was sitting on the floor just outside the elevator when she came out. It was her, the surgeon, an RT, her anesthesiologist & her NICU nurse Laura. We followed them to the NICU where the surgeon said everything went as planned. He said there were no surprises and she did fine. Her anesthesiologist had GREAT news. He said that respiratory wise she did great. He had no problem intubating her and that she gave no signs of distress! He said, once the drugs wore off she should be able to be extubated. He gave her two drugs, one to put her to sleep and another to relax her muscles, to make it easier to cut through to get to her stomach. Dr. Schneider, the head of the NICU said, that we should wait a few hours and see how she does. At nearly 3:30, she started to wake up a little. I think being intubated scared her because she started to cry and thrash around a little bit. By 3:50 she was extubated!

This is our little punkin when she came out of surgery. She was still on the ventilator and had been given medicine for her to sleep and for her muscles to relax.

This is Maryam when we left tonight. She's clearly off the ventilator and has muscle control again. The tube you see sticking out of her mouth is another drainage tube from her stomach. Its connected to a suction device set to low so it can get any extra blood or fluids that shouldn't be there. The tube coming out of her stomach is the new feeding tube! The docs want to start trying to feed her tomorrow and see how her body responds. I'll let you know!!

Keep her in your prayers! We love all of your comments and emails. We have an amazing family and a wonderful network of friends. We are indeed VERY lucky.

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  1. We're so happy everything went well! We'll continue praying for you in our own special way ;)

  2. YEAH Maryam, good job! You're such a tough little gal. Keep on growing and getting better. Just wait, in not time you'll be old enough to eat ice cream and you'll be so happy for a functional GI system :) Good job to you too Mom & Dad, I'm thinking about you all.

  3. Grumpy called yesterday to let us know how the surgery went, but it is so nice to come on this blog and get a detailed and first-hand account. Terra and I kept her in our prayers yesterday while we knew she was in surgery. We continue to pray that she is helped by all that was done. We love you! Aunt Ev, Uncle Bill, Cousins Terra, Josh and Galen.

  4. So glad to hear Maryam came through this with flying colors. She's a very special little girl! She'll remain in our prayers.

  5. Yeah! We are so happy that everything went so well. We are still praying for all of you. You all are so strong! God is good!

  6. We're so glad all is going well today!! That's great Maryam that you are extubated now!! Our prayers have been answered. We know you will be getting stronger everyday. Take care, Mommy and Daddy! We can't wait to see all of you. We love you and will keep you in our prayers!! See you soon!!
    Love from us all, Great Grandma, Great Aunt Kathy, Great Uncle Tom and Great Aunt Karen
