Tuesday, August 28, 2007

And another bottle down...

Here is proof that we TRY to feed Maryam by bottle, but she just won't take it! I found out that Soothie makes a bottle, Soothie is the brand of pacifier Maryam's been using since she was 9 weeks old. So Momom and Popop (Brett's parents) bought some to see if she'll drink from them. Not so much. We can't fool her! She knew right away it wasn't her pacifier....oh well, at least we tried. She just played with it and took a few sucks and played with it some more. We both tried and neither of us were successful.

We were playing and she wouldn't stop staring at her feet. I couldn't help but take the picture!
Earlier today I gave her some rice cereal with apple juice. She seemed to like it. I also tried to give her straight apple juice, but she wasn't having it. She just sort of dribbled it out or spit it out. But I have been diligent about making sure I'm feeding her something while she is being tube fed. I don't want her to lose the association between her mouth and hunger or being full. From what I've noticed, she doesn't seem to like pure liquids. So, this weekend, after I buy that book, I'm going to try different foods out and see how it goes!
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  1. Hi! Maryam looks so cute in all her picture and so cute in your dress. Your right you could'nt ever get mad at that cutie. You have a smart one on you hands. Take care. Tellyour parents HI for me.Love Anna

  2. Thanks for keeping us posted! Glad to hear things are going pretty well. I love the feet picture! She's just too cute!

  3. She looks beautiful...Britani and I love the blog we keep up with you and the baby..Hope we get to see her in person soon...Lots of love..Renee
