Thursday, September 20, 2007

Back from the doc

So, Maryam had her apt. with Dr. Canty today. He says that the milk leaking from under the button from the hole in her tummy is common. Apparently, its only serious when it leaks on a regular basis and large volumes. So far, we've only had it leak 3 or 4 times and only one of those times was a large quantity.

We left the house at 9:30am and got home at 8:30pm and even after an 11 hour day, 8 hours in the car, a doctor poking her in her sensitive belly, and only about 1 hour of sleep all day, she came home with a BIG smile!!! She was still as happy as she could be! We're so lucky to have such a happy baby!

She doesn't have to go back to see the Audiologist, Opthomologist or her surgeon again until December!!!! How GREAT is that? I'm so happy to not have to go back for a while. She'll have to go in for her winter shots starting next month, and she'll need to have weight checks a couple of times a month, and she'll have to have more oxygen ween tests, but no real doctor visits!!! HOORAY!!!!

Brett and I are FINALLY taking some time to ourselves. We haven't had a vacation in over a year! We're leaving tomorrow night for a weekend in Las Vegas!! And those of you who know me well, know that Las Vegas is my favorite city in the whole wide world!! Well, Paris and London are RAD too, but Vegas is only 3 hours away and I LOVE IT!!! My parental units will have Maryam and they're super excited about it.

Tomorrow morning the case worker from Regional Center of the Inland Empire will be coming to assess Maryam. Hopefully she'll qualify for all of the programs available. I know what she needs, hopefully I can prove to them that she needs it.

Sticking to the theme of a Vegas weekend....wish my parental units luck with Maryam, Maryam luck with the Regional Center and Brett & I luck in the Sports Book, Roulette Table, Craps Table and Black Jack Table!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck in "VEGAS BABY!"

    I just got married there Aug. 18th.

    I was Lucky.

    Have a great time. You and your hubby deserve it!!!!
