Monday, October 1, 2007

Maryam's new toy

Maryam had a busy couple of days!!!! Friday night we went out to dinner. Saturday we went to cousin Marcy's baby shower where Maryam got to see 2 of her Great Aunties that she hasn't seen since being discharged from the hospital back in April. She was due for a visit. Marcy looks FABULOUS, by the way!!! Maryam was well behaved and just sort of chilled out in Aidan's old swing. Aidan (Marcy and Dan's son) got a kick out of listening to Maryam growl. If you haven't heard it, its fascinating. She will growl for no reason for a really long time!
This is Maryam's newest toy. Its a bouncy standing contraption. She doesn't really like it. She liked it the first time we put her in it and hasn't liked it since. What the heck? Its even pink, what could she possibly object to?
Here is Maryam in her Bumbo chair. Mr. Bishop was curious to see what the new tray on her Bumbo chair was all about. I took a picture of her smiling while he was kissing her, but sadly its out of focus. I HATE when that happens!
Daddy is on another business trip. So, we're just hanging out. I'll be putting pictures on everyday so Brett can see them. Oh and in good news, Maryam rolled over from back to front yesterday and today! Only once on each day, but that's progress!!!! Hooray!
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