Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Failing another test

Brett put Maryam in the recliner because the delivery man came with all of her medical supplies. Unfortunately they brought the wrong kind of formula. They brought formula that is designed for someone on dialysis. So, while he was on the phone reordering the proper food, she fell asleep! How cute does she look? SUPER CUTE!
Yesterday Brett took Maryam over to his parent's house for the afternoon and evening. Looks like they had fun! Maryam fell asleep on the way home and its only a 5 minute drive!
Here is a pile of love. Maryam was laying on daddy so Mr. Bishop had to come join them. He doesn't like being left out of the loop, especially when Maryam is involved!
Brett went to the nursery today to pick up the monitor to test Maryam's oxygen saturation. She is currently on 1/16 liter per minute and we were going to ween her down to 1/32 and see how she did. Well, she's failing on 1/16! I don't know what's happening. Her breathing has actually gotten worse over the past few months. I'm very sad and really disappointed. She was only sating at 89% the last time I checked, so I've have since turned her oxygen up to 1/8. Hopefully that's high enough to bump her back over 95% where her neonatologists want her.
Tomorrow we have an apt. with her new neonatologist. I'm nervous. I LOVE her old neonatologists, so its going to be strange for me to change. Its necessary though, she needs support that is geographically closer to home.
We got a call today from Regional Center letting us know that Maryam has been aproved for Occupation Therapy two times a week! That's actually GREAT news, because the therapist is a feeding specialist!! HOORAY! Hopefully she'll get Maryam to start eating again. I'll update tomorrow on how she did on the sat test, what we think of her new neonatologist and whether or not we were able to schedule her next Occupational Therapy apt.
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