Thursday, December 27, 2007

What a Christmas!!

Here is a photo of Maryam with all of her presents from the Langdon Family. She sure had a fun time ripping all the paper! She didn't care what was under the paper once she got it off, because she was too busy playing with her paper and of course the tape that she couldn't get off of her fingers and thumbs.

Here she is playing with paper! She LOVES paper! But she did a great job of opening her presents. She got tired towards the end and it didn't take long for her to fall asleep once she was finished! I think the highlight of the night was her Elmo doll. She LOVES it! She cracked up along with him.
Here is Maryam trying to decide which to play with. Her snail, her book, or her dolly. I think she eventually chose the book, but I can't remember!
And here is Maryam with all of her stuffed up toys she got for Christmas. As you can see, she was not neglected. The big stuffed up bear came from Eric, the Elmo came from Grandpa L., the Santa on the right came from Daddy, the Santa in front of her came from Yaya and Popa Cavender, the moose came from Janette and Ernie, the gingerbread girl, USMC football and bear all came from Momom and Popop Langdon and the angel bear came from Mommy.
We had a wonderful Christmas! We spent Christmas Eve at Sarah's house. She and Scott hosted a really fun Christmas party and we got to spend the day and evening with our family from Merced. Christmas morning we had breakfast with the Hastons, Janette made a super Yummy casserole and then we were off to the deuce for Christmas dinner with the Langdons.
I'll post pictures of Maryam and Charlie in their matching outfits when I get them off of our other computer! Dummy me! I can't wait to share the photo of the REALLY COOL toy box Uncle Scott made for Maryam! You all will be jealous!!! We hope you all had a happy Christmas!
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1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear Maryam had a wonderful Christmas! & you did too! Ours was great & I am glad it' done! Happy New Year!
