Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Maryam sleeping after a long day

We're more than happy to report that Maryam has been medically cleared for admission on May 4th!!!! We have a pre-admit meeting on May 1st to formally go over our expectations and devise a team goal.

We've been given a smidgen of homework. We're to try that antihyathamine that Maryam reacted poorly to last time. The time of day has been changed from before bedtime to when she wakes up and the dosage has been changed down from 5mls to starting at 1ml and trying to work back up to 2.5 mls. And we were told to stop the mineral oil for constipation and change to Miralax.

We're also going to continue working on getting Maryam to bed earlier and awake earlier. While she's at CHOC she'll have to wake up daily between 7 and 7:30 for vitals and be at her breakfast feeding session by 8am! That is going to be a challenge the first couple days unless I can manage to make her bedtime earlier before we get there.

I have to say, today was a good day.


Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

  1. She looks so tuckered. So happy things went well.
    Hope things go well with the new bedtime schedule.
    Prayers always!
