Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Eating update

Maryam has been eating like a champ! Its a bit surreal to see her feeding herself or hear her asking for food. For example, this morning she helped Daddy bake blueberry muffins. After they came out of the oven she actually wanted to eat one! She ate about 3/4 of it before she didn't want anymore. For lunch, her and Daddy were out shopping and she asked for chicken nuggets and fries! He got her some and she ate 2 nuggets and half a small order of fries. For her snack this afternoon she ate a pudding cup, pepperoni, and a candy bar. Then for dinner she asked for mac n cheese. We had bought some ready mac for when Charlie Mae is here, so we made some for her. She ate all but 4 bites of a single packet! That's a whole day of solid foods, all of which she asked for. When she was eating dinner she kept saying, "all by myself" and would feed herself the mac n cheese. I'm so proud of her.

Jax is eating like a champ too! He finally latched on a couple of days ago. So now our routine consists of me nursing him all day and then Brett bottle feeding him at night while I pump. That way we both get the opportunity to feed him. We've done it this way for a few reasons. One is so we both get to see what its like to feed our new born, two because we want Jax to be able to nurse and drink from a bottle and three it gives Mommy a break. When he does drink from the bottle, he's up to about 70mls in 20 to 30 minutes.
Tomorrow we have to take Jax to Children's Hospital in San Diego for an appointment with a urologist. Jax has hydronephrosis severely on his left kidney and mildly on his right kidney. We're meeting to find out if he needs to have surgery or if we can continue on the regimen of antibiotics he's been on since he was a few days old. From what I understand, a series of tests will be done and then decisions will be made based on the results. Wish us luck!

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