Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Sibling love

Well, it has been a while. I don't even know where to start. Weight: Maryam 26lbs...YAY! Jax 6lbs 6.4ozs....YAY! Eating: Maryam is eating all solid foods now with the exception of pudding and soup. Jax is nursing around the clock. Health: me, Maryam and Jax all are sick with yucky colds. Somehow Brett managed to avoid it, lucky Daddy. Our car has broken down twice in the past few weeks. One time it broke down the day before we were scheduled for a follow up appointment at CHOC. We didn't make it. Brett and Maryam are in Orange County right now because Maryam has an appointment with the feeding team tomorrow morning. I stayed back with Jax because he's still sick. I'd hate to take him into a hospital with sick children and get them or him even sicker. That would be lame and irresponsible.
It just occurred to me that I haven't updated since Jax's appointment at Rady Children's Hospital in San Diego with the urologist. He definitely does need surgery on his left kidney. We won't know what kind of surgery until he's bigger. The plan for now is to wait until the end of November and do another test. Hopefully that test will determine where the blockage is. Once the docs know where the blockage is that is causing his kidney to be so large, they'll go in and operate. If they can't, they'll probably just remove the kidney to avoid further damage to the working kidney. We're hoping to put the surgery off until he is over 6 months old, but if the docs think that his good kidney would be at risk then the surgery will be done earlier. The earliest would be around his 3 month birthday....mid December. The latest would be mid March.
Maryam and I got our flu shots the other day. She did really good! She only cried for a few seconds and that was before she got the shot. Once she got the shot she was fine. Weirdo baby. Jax will get his first synagis shot on Thursday. The great news is that we're were able to get him into the clinic in Riverside. We won't have to go all the way to San Diego like we did for Maryam. Yay!
Maryam lost her glasses. We cannot find them anywhere! It sucks. I'm not giving up though, I'm determined to find them somewhere. They couldn't have just disappeared.
Jax is rolling over more and more. Its both good and bad. Good because he's a big fat over achiever. Bad because he's making it impossible to do tummy time! Poor kid is never going to be able to hold his head up because he's too busy trying to get on his back. His little billy goat preemie cry is slowly turning into a very loud newborn cry. Its very odd having a baby who's cry we can actually hear. With Maryam we had to listen for her cry, with Jax we can hear it pretty much anywhere in the house.
Oh and its GREAT having a baby that cries FOR food instead of crying BECAUSE of food! Ha!
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