Sunday, November 15, 2009

Getting stronger

I propped Jax up against the couch so I could get a good picture of his face. Isn't it a cute face? My goodness.
Here he is trying to hold his head up. He's getting bigger and stronger! I weighed him yesterday and he is up to 8lbs. 4.5ozs. He's over 4 pounds heavier than he was when he was born. Yowza! I guess that means God was listening to me the whole time I was pregnant. I prayed for an "eater" and I got one!
Jax had another urology appointment on Friday. This appointment was with the Kaiser Pediatric Urologist. He agrees with the doc from Rady's Children Hospital, surgery is eminent. Apparantly his kidney is slightly larger than it was when he was discharged from the NICU. According to this doc, the fact that the kidney is bigger rules out a physical abnormality. So, now 2 of the 3 most common reasons for children to have hydronephrosis have been ruled out. No reflux, and no physical abnormality (just being born with a big kidney) means that he has an obstruction. We kind of pretty much already knew this. Now the newest ultrasound showed that there wasn't any swelling in the ureters, so that leads the doc to believe that its a UPJ obstruction. Our next step is to have a nuclear medicine radioactive scan. This is going to be pretty extensive. Jax will be in the hospital for about 3 to 4 hours. He'll get an IV, a catheter, a series of antibiotics and lasix, then the scan will begin. This test should so how much kidney function there is as well as exactly where the obstruction is. After that, surgery will be scheduled. Depending on how much kidney function there is the surgery will be scheduled for March at the latest and December at the earliest. Let's all hope for lots of kidney function and surgery being pushed back to March.
That's all I got!
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1 comment:

  1. He is such a cute little boy!! I love his tiny little double chin. :-)
