Monday, December 14, 2009

Pictures from the renal scan

FINALLY asleep in Yaya's arms. I had to hand him off because I REALLY needed to go to the bathroom. He had been screaming since the IV fiasco. Just thinking about that makes me cringe....NIGHTMARE!
Here is what the kidneys looked like when the test was just over 50% complete. You can see the tremendous difference in the two kidneys. Yikes, right? The left one has severe hydronephrosis, the right has mild. The little white dot at the bottom is his bladder.
Here is how the technician kept Jax still through the test. He wrapped him in a blanket and then taped him to the table! I gave him some Tylenol to help relieve some of the IV/needle pain and eventually he drifted off to sleep.
Here is Kevin, the Nuc Med tech that did the test on Jax. He was super duper nice.

We have since on test results back. Dr. Nanigian called on Tuesday and told me that Jax will for sure need surgery on the kidney itself. The incision will be on the left side right below his rib cage. His hospital stay will be only 3 to 5 days and they're hoping to wait until March. Apparently once you reach 6 months old you have the same risk factors from anaesthesia as you do at any later part in your life. The doctor from Rady Children's should be calling us soon to let us know for sure when Jax will have the surgery. He wants to review the hard copy of the nuc med renal scan first.
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