Sunday, January 3, 2010

Holiday Play

Our little guy Jax is getting pretty big! He's starting to take interest in other things besides eating. And really great news is that Maryam is starting to take some interest in Jax! She gives him little kisses on his head more and more. And if we're going somewhere she always asks if we're bringing baby brother. Every once in a while she takes a step backwards and asks me something like, "can we leave Baby Brother at Home Depot?" But for the most part, her disinterest is slowly changing.

Here's a good picture of the two of them. And below is a great picture of Jax showing that he is capable of having a good time!
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  1. I love that picture of both of them! You can really see Maryam in Jax! So glad that he's taking an interest in his surroundings more. Hopefully that will take some pressure off of him being attached to you 24/7.
    ((HUGS)) from Ohio
    Ellen & Ally
