Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Jax update

So my friend Jen reminded me that I still hadn't updated the Blog about Jax's surgery. I've been a major Blogger slacker!
The urologist at Rady Children's says that the surgery has a 95% success rate. We're going to wait until Jax is 6 months adjusted instead of 6 months actual. That way he'll be bigger and stronger.
At his 4 month well baby visit he weighed just over 12lbs and measured just under 24". He's currently wearing clothes that are 3 to 6 months or 6 month Carters. I have to be careful bc some of his pants leave a ring around his fat belly!
The doctor prescribed some meds to help me control his GERD. So far they've helped a lot! It took a week or more for them to work properly, but he's definitely spitting up MUCH less.
Jax's sleep schedule has been a little wonky. I think that's bc we've been away from home for so long. He's been going to sleep at 7 or 7:30 and waking up around midnight to nurse. Most nights he'll wake up again around 3am, then 6am. He usually stays awake until about 8, then he takes an hour nap.
We're heading home today. Its been a pretty emotionally draining week and a half.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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