Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Little Miss Sunshine

For the record, if you ever want to make M cry inconsulably for 30+ minutes, wake her up at 5:30 for a 11 tube blood draw and then make her get up to go poptty! Yowza!
In good news, she hasn't had a fever sinbe about 4pm yesterday. In better news, she's talking again! In wonderful news, she started eating again! Yayayayayayayayay!
They're doing an immune system work up to see why she keeps getting sick. Checking white blood cell count blah blah blah. RSV negative! Woohoo!She pretty much completely stopped coughing. The 4th antibiotic worked. I think that proves she has/had an aspiration pneumo.
She's sating at 92% on room air. No more complaints of chest pains. She even asked for her glasses this am. I think we got her to the hospital in enough time to help her. Sunday night I was scared out of my mind that we were going to lose her.
They lent me a pump and are letting me keep the pump in my room. So I've been pumping every 3 hours. M has asked 3 times now why Jax is not here w/us. I'm so glad she's making her way back.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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