Monday, February 15, 2010


Yesterday evening Maryam started coughing pretty bad. All day she didn't want much to eat so I had a feeling she was getting sick. I was right. Last night she didn't sleep well and this morning she was running a temp.
This evening we took her to the ER because ahe was getting much worse. The neb treatments weren't working, her emergency inhaler wasn't having much of an affect either. During her afternoon nap she was breathing so fast that I counted 170 breaths a minute. That's when we decided to take her to the ER.
When she got in her fever was sown a little to 99.8 but her O2 sats were only 88% on room air.
She was given O2 immediately. Chest x-rays were ordered and confirmed pneumonia in her upper right lobe. Because she needs O2 she's being admitted. Right now Brett and I are following her ambulance transport. She's on the way to a Kaiser facility where they have her entire medical history.
I'll try updating more as more information becomes available to me. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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