Monday, February 15, 2010

Room air

M's been on room air since a little after noon today. At 1st she was sating at around 95. An hour later she was down to 92-94. Around 4 she was down to 91 -92. The goal is to keep her above 92% on room air. She's still dependent on Tylenol to keep her temperature down. If she doesn't get it by the 4 hour mark her fever spikes again. Right now its 102 again.
She asked for food a bit ago, when I gave her some she gagged and wretched. So, I guess she's still not ready. She's doing well drinking water.
M has been doing a lot of talking in the past half hour. She's asking for books, stickers and paper to draw. The IV fluids have really given her some color back and have filled her face out some.
She ended up taking a 4 hour nap. After only 3 hours of sleep last night she definitely needed it!
Yaya and Papa are here visiting her. They're all bundled up in their protective gear. M is smiling. I'm happy to see her looking more like herself again. (Insert sigh of relief here)
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

  1. Oh she looks so much better! Thank god!! I'm still sending prayers and positive energy your way. Hang in there, Jen.
    Love you!!
    Palak & Reva
