Thursday, March 11, 2010

6 months old

My little baby Jax is 6 months old today! Part of me feels like its hard to believe he's been here so long. The other part of me feels like I've known him my whole life! Strange mommy brain stuff.
I was so freaked out when I realized I was pregnant. All I could think about was the difficult time Maryam had and how I didn't want another baby to go through that. I was also worried about my own health. I was so close to dying when I had Maryam that I was worried I could leave Maryam mother less and Brett wife less. Thankfully Jax made it to 33 weeks, I had a very diligent doctor and Jax was home with his family in only 13 days.
Happy 6 months birthday baby boy. I hope its been as fun for you as its been for me.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

  1. reading this gave me thoughts exactly. glad everything turned out great for both of us and our little boys!
