Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Halloween Stepping Stone

Brande got this stone for me for my birthday. I thought it would be fun to let Maryam make and paint it. Once she saw there was a mask that had to be warn, she wanted nothing to do with making it. So, the next day when the stone was ready, she was ready to paint! She did a fantastic job! I took pictures throughout the process. She decided on the colors and even managed to keep it "in the lines."

Almost done! You can see below how proud she is of the job she did. She brought it outside immediately. We'll wait until the rain stops to put it out. Maybe it can go out later today!
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1 comment:

  1. Wow!! She did an awesome job! Such a big girl now. It's so great to see them grow up and be able to do the things that maybe were just a dream or wish when they were young- just surviving- fighting to thrive.
