Thursday, October 21, 2010


I've been REALLY good about routine lately. Maryam just seems to do better when she knows what to expect. I started this summer with planning out our day so everyday is a little different to prevent her from getting bored, but I also schedule everything at equal intervals so she's able to predict a change. I think playing outside is VERY important. Plus, the kids LOVE it! So, every morning they have breakfast and go outside for an hour and half or so. After that they come in for a snack and a craft or a craft then snack. After that, Jax takes a nap and Maryam plays on the computer for about an hour. Lately Jax hasn't been napping in the morning, so I play with him while Maryam plays on the computer. After computer time she has pretend play. Today, instead of her usual princess or doctor play, she played in the kitchen! It was awesome! She made meals and snacks for us all to enjoy. The only real problem was Maryam not wanting to share the pots and pans with Baby Brother. She wanted them all to herself! She didn't understand that Brother doesn't know how to play the way she plays.
Here are some pictures of them playing kitchen. Enjoy!

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