My mom started calling everyone to come to the hospital immediately. I remember Brett's parents came back, almost immediately after getting home. Sarah and Scott came, Sarah said that Scott drove 100 MPH nearly the whole way. Justin and Lynn came. My mom told me everyone cried when she called them. She called Brande and my Grams, who both also cried. Everyone else found out after Maryam was born.
I got wheeled into an operating room. I had never been in one before! I remember thinking how white it was, how bright it was. I looked over and saw a baby table with blankets and a bright light over it. It seemed like there were dozens of people in there with me, but Brett wasn't. They asked him to stay outside. I guess he wasn't allowed in while they started my spinal tap. After they got my spinal tap going they were about to start my C-section when I asked them if Brett could come in now. Someone went to get him, he came in, kissed my forehead, held my hand and told me he loved him. He still had tears in his eyes.
I remember being asked if I was comfortable. I remember feeling very cold and shaking. The anesthesiologist gave me something for that. Then I remember feeling nauseous, he gave me something for that. I remember Brett saying he doesn't want to look behind the blue curtain, but he couldn't help it. Ha! I think he still regrets that.
At 5:26pm there was another person in the room. She cried! I remember crying and saying something like, she sounds like a kitten. I cried, Brett cried. He tried to see her. I think they held her up for me to see before I didn't see her again for 4 days. After that, I passed out.
I woke up in recovery with Brett next to me and the Oxygen Nazi next to me. I remember that hot iron ball being back in the back of my throat. I think I asked if Maryam was alive. I felt that guilt and fear again. I was very nauseous. Its all very blurry. I think my sister came in to recovery to see me. I asked her and Brett if they had seen Maryam yet. He said he wasn't sure if he was allowed to yet. Sarah said, let's go! And they were off! I think I went back to sleep. After I woke up they put me into a room. All I could think about was her. That guilt was back. I kept thinking stuff like, why couldn't I do this? Why couldn't I stay pregnant? Why does my body suck so much?
Brett brought me pictures of her. I cried. She looked so small. There were more wires and tubes sticking out of her than my mind ever imagined.
These pictures are the first pictures taken of Maryam. These pictures is how I first saw my baby.
So many similarities...McKenzie sounded like a kitten too. I didn't see her in the OR, but 3 hours later I got to. I wish I could write like you. I am so behind in my blog though, maybe I'll try to write about her story today though since it's premature awareness day. You are so strong!