Sunday, January 9, 2011

Jax and more Christmas toys

Jax got a rocking horse from Santa. He really likes it. Its a pretty cool toy. It makes a galloping sound when you press its ear. He falls off of it still, but he's definitely getting better at coordinating the rock!

Here is Jax on Maryam's Pillow Pet. He LOVES stuffed up animals, so Pillow Pets are right up his ally. He walks around carrying all of Maryam's big stuffed up animals and then throws them on the ground and lays on them. Its quite cute.

And yes, he's huge. We weighed him about a week ago and he weighed 27 pounds. A little perspective, Maryam only weighs 29 pounds.
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  1. Michael is like that too - he loves stuffed animals, blankets, pillows, our dog, anything that's soft and he can "bury" his face into. It's so cute. McKenzie is only 25 lbs! Michael is probably around 20. They both have dr appts in 2 weeks so we'll see. Love reading the blog and seeing pics :)

  2. Michael does that too - he loves stuffed animals, blankets, pillows, our dog, anything he can "bury" his face into! It's so cute. We'll see how much they weigh in 2 wks at their appts, but I think McKenzie is 25 and Michael is probably 20. I love reading your blog and seeing the pictures :)
