Friday, June 4, 2010

The drainage tubes

Here are some photos of Jax's drainage tubes. Less and less is draining from them hourly/daily. The site looks excellent!  His apt to have them removed is next Thursday. The obstruction is definitely gone! Seriously, its like a dam has breached!  He is peeing a flood! Poor Littleton guy slept 10 hours straight last night and woke up in a puddle of urine. His whole diaper, sleeper and mattress were all drenched. Couldn't help but to feel bad for him!
He's still refusing solids. I'm guessing his throat is still a little sore from being intubated. I'll try offering a solid again tomorrow at breakfast time. One thing Brett and I both noticed is he's not nearly as grumpy as he was before the surgery.  Does that mean he's been in pain this whole time? We sure hope not, but we're both thinking maybe.
Thanks for all the comments, texts, email, facebook notices, prayers and well wishes. We have a wonderful network of family and friends.


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