Maryam is in her room. She's resting comfortably. It took her quite a bit longer to wake up than anyone anticipated. The anesthesiologist came into recovery, looked at her eyes, listened to her breathe and determined it was indeed the Demerol keeping her asleep. Before he left he commented again (for the 3rd time) how great she looks for a 25 weeker! He attributed technology, strong will and parenting. I think hr will and technology did most of the work.
Right now she's laying in bed and watching Tangled. She keeps asking for her IV to come out and to go home. At 1:30 she'll get to have clear fluids. If she tolerates that she'll be discharged by 2:30. Thankfully, she's breathing great, she doesn't have a fever and she's not too stressed.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
In her room
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Got a date
I have mixed feelings about this. I'm glad that her tummy will be closed and this will be the end to this long chapter of her life. However, I'm scared too. I'm petrified of anesthesia, and I'm equally petrified of the psychological ramifications surgery is going to have on Maryam. She's already terrified of going to the doctor. This is just going to amplify her fear. Ugh, wish us luck.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Surgery consult
Maryam's surgery consult is scheduled for Tuesday morning at CHOC. After that, I assume that she'll be put on the surgery calendar.
We told Maryam that if she was brave and didn't cry at her doctor appointment that we'd take her to Disneyland afterwards. She's really scared. But when I ask her what she's afraid of, she says she's afraid of getting a shot. I've tried assuring her that she won't be getting any shots at the appointment, but she doesn't believe me. I guess those winters of Synagis shots once a month and antibiotic and steroid shots have scarred her mentally. Bummer. Oh well, hopefully one day it will all be behind her.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
There's that word again, "Sometimes" Part 2
The surgery is only a couple hours long. Its an outpatient deal. Maryam will most likely be intubated because she will be under general anesthesia. The surgeon will go in, take out the tunnel, sew up her stomach and then sew up the outside of her stomach. Instead of Maryam's stoma looking like a second belly button, its going to look like a straight line. And, it will NEVER leak again!
We're going to see if we can get on the surgery calendar for March. We'd rather her not be in the hospital during the winter months. She's very susceptible to infection and illness so we're going to wait until after the flu season is over.
That's our latest! Wish us luck. I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to tell her she has to have surgery. She already hates doctors, lab coats, hospitals, doctor offices and anything else medically related. I think physically she's going to bounce back quite quickly, its the psychological trauma that is scaring me. My poor baby is going to be so sad.
If you want to read my first post about the "sometimes baby" you can read it here.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
"Normal Kid"
After Maryam's appointment I took her to Disneyland. The parks closed at 8 last night, so we only had 2 hours to jam in as much as possible. We started at Peter Pan, went to Small World next, then on to The Haunted Mansion (which is already decorated w/Nightmare Before Christmas decorations) then Pooh twice! As we were leaving the park Maryam said, "I'm hungry. I need a hamburger and fries please." I love hearing stuff like that!!!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Sweet baby boy
Jax polished off a bottle of glucose water before they called us back. When I came in I could hear him crying. He took a bottle from me and then fell asleep.
That was quick! He's out! We'll get to see him when he wakes up. Doc said everything went well. Jax will have another nuclear med scan and ultrasound in 2 months. That's how we'll know if the surgery was successful.
He's in surgery
Jax is in surgery now. My apple juice trick worked! Had he gone in on time he would have went in happy. BUT, he didn't. Oh well. So, the last 15 minutes before they took him back he cried. I'm sure it was just because he was hungry.
The anesthesiologist said he will be intubated. That hit me like a ton of bricks. I know Jax's situation is way different from Maryam's, but I'm still really scared. I've seen and lived the ugly side. Even the anesthesiologist understood my fears. He said, "Wow! Yeah, I see why you're worried." Then he went on to trying to soothe me. I think I'm fine.
Hopefully all will go without any problem.
Kidney surgery part 2
Jax has part 2 of his kidney surgery today. We'll take off from here around 10:30 because we have to check in at 1:30. Surgery isn't actually scheduled until 3:30.
He can't have any food this morning and we can't give him any formula past 9:30. I know many mommies frown upon giving babies juice but he's allowed to have clear liquids until 12:30. After our heart wrenching screamfest we parents had to endure from our starving baby last time, this time I'm caving. I bought some of that Gerber apple juice yesterday. The bottle says there are 70 cals per a 4oz serving. His formula is 80 cals/4oz serving. My hope is that juice will make him feel full and I wont have to have my heart broken listening to him cry while looking at me with his pleading eyes.
Will update when I can.
Oh and it occurred to me this morning that I never sent out an official email announcing that I changed my email address. My new addy is:
Friday, June 4, 2010
The drainage tubes
Here are some photos of Jax's drainage tubes. Less and less is draining from them hourly/daily. The site looks excellent! His apt to have them removed is next Thursday. The obstruction is definitely gone! Seriously, its like a dam has breached! He is peeing a flood! Poor Littleton guy slept 10 hours straight last night and woke up in a puddle of urine. His whole diaper, sleeper and mattress were all drenched. Couldn't help but to feel bad for him!
He's still refusing solids. I'm guessing his throat is still a little sore from being intubated. I'll try offering a solid again tomorrow at breakfast time. One thing Brett and I both noticed is he's not nearly as grumpy as he was before the surgery. Does that mean he's been in pain this whole time? We sure hope not, but we're both thinking maybe.
Thanks for all the comments, texts, email, facebook notices, prayers and well wishes. We have a wonderful network of family and friends.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Got sprung!
Discharging soon!
The IV is out. All monitors are off. We should be out of here by lunch.
Drainage is minimum. I'm actually surprised by how little there is coming out of his tube. We've only had to replace the dressing 3 times!
Mommy and Daddy with Jaxosaurus Rex
Good morning!
Jax is still an eating machine! He had 6 more ounces at midnight and 4 am! At 6:30 when he woke up he wanted more! I gave him 4 ounces and a jar of #2 bananas and he was still hungry!
I can tell his coddle epidural wore off. He's kicking so much that he has kicked off his blood pressure cuff, pulse ox and worked his dressing off of his incision. Yes, he's that active coming out of kidney surgery! Don't you just love a baby's resilience?
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
He just ate another 6 ounces. He had 4 ounces of glucose water at 4 and 2 ounces of formula around 5! Little guy is eating like a champ!
Of course he can't sleep bc our roommate's guests are LOUD!!!! And the nursing staff has no problem banging equipment into walls and/or doors.
Its going to be a long night!
My baby boy
Jax's vitals are good. His temp was low, but we got it up with the help of his fluffy polka dot blanket. He has a pulse ox, IV fluids, Toridol ordered for every 6 hours and Tylenol as needed.
He's in a room with 2 other children, he's the youngest. He tried to suck on his IV and chew on his pulse ox. Now he has a "no, no!" cover on his IV and we moved the pulse ox to his toe.
Right now he's asleep in Daddy's arms.
Looking good!
He's out!
Jax is out of surgery and in recovery. We should be able to see him in a half hour. Everything went well, small incision on his back. He has a drainage tube that will be in for a week and a stint that will be in for 6 weeks. Kidney looks good, operation should be a success.
Jax is in surgery
Jax's is really hungry! He had a bottle at 6:45 and has been crying since about 10:30. Brutal.
He's in surgery now. The procedure takes anywhere from 2.5 hours to 4 hours. We'll update again when he comes out.