Saturday, September 19, 2009

Happy 1 week birthday!!

Jax is 1 week old! Yay! He's up to 4lbs 6ozs and growing. He's still eating about 40mls of breast milk during each feeding and taking it in about 15-20 minutes. He's a super trooper! He is still having trouble breastfeeding. He just doesn't have a strong enough suck yet. But I think in a few days to a week he won't have any trouble at all.
Mommy did a little shopping today for some bedside essentials. I got him a few more blankets so he can have a prettier isolette. I also got him some bibs. He's a messy eater! We've been asked where we're registered. The answer is Target. Its so hard to switch gears and pick out boy stuff after buying girl stuff for the past 3 years.

Tomorrow I hope to start working on a quilt from Mommy. I made Maryam one before she was born. Unfortunately I never got around to Jax's. Lame Mommy.

Maryam is still eating like a champ! She has had some significant weight loss since Mommy has been gone. We're going to put her on the pump everyday to get her weight back up. I don't want to risk dehydration or fatigue. Right now she still has more energy than every grown-up in her life combined!!! But, the proof is in the pudding, which by the way, she LOVES! The scales don't lie.
But she is trying new foods and textures. We couldn't be more proud of her efforts and successes to date. I'm sure the NICU staff is tired of hearing about Maryam by now. We can't help but talk about her the whole time we're there.
I'm just so lucky!!!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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