Monday, November 30, 2009


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We went to Auntie Lynn's (Justin's wife) mom's house in Joshua Tree. The food was good and the company was equally good. Unfortunately Yaya and Auntie Lynn were sick.
But we do have lots to be grateful for this year. Maryam got to go to CHOC to learn how to eat and has been doing wonderfully. Jax is thriving. Brett and I are healthy. Auntie Karen and Uncle Tom both made it through extensive surgeries. Grandpa Langdon is healthy, Grams is doing well. Our parents are loving being grandparents. Sarah's pregnancy is going smoothly. We have wonderful friends and a very supportive family. Like I said, lots to be grateful for.
Maryam is at an awesome age. She amuses me and amazes me more and more everyday. She told us today that she'd like to meet Vincent Van Gogh! But instead she went to the doctor and got her 1st dose of the H1N1 vaccine.
Yesterday we took her to Disneyland to celebrate mine and Brett's 6 year anniversary. We all had a great time. We watched the Christmas parade, visited Santa's reindeer and went on lots of rides. Auntie Sarah, Uncle Scott and Charlie babysat Jax for us. Maryam wanted to take her giant bear (who she affectionately named Choco!) with us to Disneyland. When we told her no, her response was, "but he's a very good bear." LOVE her!
Jax's colicky hours seem to be getting longer. Today he started at 4:30 and its after 9 and he's still very upset. I called in his weight to the nuclear medicine clinic for his scan on Wednesday. He's up to 9lbs 3ozs! My little guy has gotten huge! Last night Jax slept from 11pm to 7am. That gave Mommy & Daddy 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep! Yay!
I guess that catches you all up on most everything. Wednesday is Jax's scan, i'll update after that.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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