Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Jax update

Jax had a 2 month well baby appointment last week at the high risk clinic in Riverside. He got his 2 month vaccinations and his 2nd dose of Synagis. The doc that we saw is amazing. I loved her!
Jax is in the 40th percentile for weight, 85th for height and 20th for head circumference. He weighed 8lbs 10.5ozs and was 22" long.
The crazy thing was she said I'm feeding him too much! Funny considering Maryam has never eaten enough! She said he should be getting 83mls at each bottle feeding. Well I've been giving him anywhere from 90mls to 120mls at each bottle feeding. Since her recommendation, I've backed him down to less than 90 and most of the time he's fine. So, maybe she was right, who knows. Most of the time he nurses, so its not really a major issue, I suppose.
Right now I'm battling colic. The funny thing about that is, I always thought colic was just an excuse parents used for a cranky baby. Boy do I feel stupid and judgemental! I googled it and everything I've read in the descriptions of colic is what I'm dealing with in Jax. Tonight was actually better than most nights, but wowza! The only thing that stops him from screaming is nursing or a bottle. But eventually he gets full and starts spitting up! But spitting up doesn't even stop him from wanting more. Its nuts.
In Maryam news, she's starting to realize that Jax isn't going anywhere. She asked Yaya the other day, "Do you like him?" Ha!
I'm still battling her to potty train and sleep train. She doesn't want to go to sleep before 11:30 and she refuses to potty train.
Good news though is that she's eating better. I even got her to drink pink lemonade today! Of course she didn't like it, but she tried it.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. We'll be in Joshua Tree at my sister-in-law Lynn's mom's house. We're all looking forward to it. They're all very nice.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

  1. I feel for ya! My first and last babies were colicky ( I think- unless it's just general fussiness...who knows??) Leif cried for over an hour last night. I'd pick him and pat him, or put his binky in and pat him, etc. But when he finally did settle down, he slept for almost 7 hours! Longest sleep yet. :-)
