Monday, February 15, 2010

Another opinion

So another doc just came in and said that her theory is that w/M's history and the location of the pneumonia, she thinks the pneumonia was caused by aspirating. She asked me if I remember M retching or gagging w/in the past 3 or 4 days. Um, yeah! How's everyday? Anything more than normal? Nope. So she is adding another antibiotic that has been proven very successful in pneumonias where they know the patient did aspirate.
The danger with a pneumonia caused by aspirating is the amount and strength of bacteria. Bacteria in our mouths and GI tracts are strong little jerks. The last place you want them is in the lungs!
M is napping. I'm waiting for a pump to relieve some pressure in my breasts and B is on his way back to the hospital.
Got the criteria for going home: on room air, no problems breathing and no fever for 24 hours.
Will post more as I know more.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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