Thursday, February 25, 2010


Here is Maryam eating her favorite dish, pilaf....Armenian style pilaf. She is a bottomless pit when it comes to this stuff.

Here is Jax's messy face after his rice cereal this morning. Again, he did really well. I poured a Tbs of rice cereal into his bowl and mixed it with some formula until it was a little runny. He doesn't suck it off the spoon like all the books say he's supposed to, but when I put it to his mouth, he does open up. So, I guess that means he's ready.
This is another one of those times where I feel like a first time mom. Lame, I know. The reason he's in the bouncy chair, instead of a high chair is because I found this position is easier for him. When he was in a high chair he was having a hard time balancing himself. In this position all he has to concentrate on is eating. Besides, I still haven't made it to OC to pick up the high chair from cousin Marcy. And Maryam does not want Baby Brother in her high chair, even though she doesn't use it anymore. Yep, its like that.
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1 comment:

  1. I used the bouncy chairs to feed all my boys when they first started eating. It was just easier...(especially the twins!)
