Thursday, February 4, 2010

New schedule, maybe?

Maryam went to sleep last night by 10:30 and was up at 7:40! Yay! I'm hoping this means she's making the transition to an earlier bed time. The night before it was 11.
In even greater news we completed day 2 of Maryam actually WANTING to potty train. It started on Tuesday night with her requesting to sit on the potty to poop. Yesterday she had 3 accidents and 4 today. I think she's understanding the clean, convenience of the potty over a diaper. Yay!!!
And in even greater news than that Maryam is continuing to eat like a champ!
In NOT so good news, my Grams has been admitted to the hospital for an infection from diverticulitis. She's expected to be there for 1 to 2 weeks. Say a prayer for her.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

  1. Check her out!!!! Pictures of Maryam inhaling a hamburger and an ice cream cone in the same week!!! SO proud of you! Keep up the good work on the sleeping and pottying!!
    ((HUGS)) from Ohio
    Ellen & Ally
