Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Nice Walk

Thursday morning I took the kids out for a walk to enjoy the 80 degree weather and the fresh air.
Look at how happy they are!!!!!! M lent Jax her Buzz Lightyear glasses...such a sweetie.
Who knew that later that night she would be completely miserable again? Not me!

Yesterday morning was rough. Maryam (who recently went through and graduated from potty training) had diarrhea 8 times before 1pm. None of those times was she remotely quick enough to make it anywhere near the bathroom. SO, after the 1st two, I just had to put a diaper on her. As of today, no more "yucky butt".
Jax started coughing and wheezing a little yesterday. We took him to the doc's office this morning to have him listen to his lungs. So far, all I know is he's sating at 94-95 on room air, retracting and wheezing. No fever though! Hopefully its something that we can treat at home and he'll be sent on his way shortly.
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