Monday, February 15, 2010


The nurse came in and did the swabs for RSV and thr flu. She was protected by a mask and disposable yellow gown. Apparently the RSV culture takes 24 hours, the flu cultures take 72. That explains why they start treatment before they know.
Her throat is red. The docs think its irritation from all the coughing, not infection. She got Tylenol for the fever, finally. Hopefully she'll get some sleep now. Just waiting on the pharmacy to send up the IV fluids, antibiotics and Tamiflu.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


  1. Oh, I'm so sorry. It's good you caught it so early. (My 2nd one had RSV and bacterial pneumonia at 3 weeks old; I was a loser mom who let her be sick for days before I realized something was really wrong and took her in, so we almost lost her.) We'll keep Maryam in our prayers. Wishing her a speedy, speedy recovery!

  2. I sincerely hope she can get some's amazing how fast these kids can turn. I'm so sorry and I hope this leaves her quickly! We'll definitely be thinking of you. Take care of yourself, too and get rest when you can!
