Sunday, March 7, 2010

At the Park

Here are Maryam and Charlie playing at the park. Its about a half mile walk from Auntie Sarah's house to the park. So, we loaded up the kids, some food and a blanket and had a picnic at the park. It was more of a snack picnic, but they loved it. After the picnic we headed home for the girls to nap and have lunch.
Jax enjoying a nap un-swaddled (maybe the 5th time in his whole life) and the sun. Bad mommy forgot to put sunblock on his face. He was a little pink that night.
Here's Auntie Sarah with Addison in her sling. She slept that way most of the time we were at the park.

Here are Charlie and Maryam playing at the park some more.

Maryam has gained back a pound and a half since her pneumonia. From what I hear you can see it in her face and her tummy. Thanks goodness too. I HATE hearing how skinny she looks. She's been eating like a CHAMP!!!! Her new favorite is Princess Spaghetti O's with meatballs. Yuck, if you ask me! But whatever works.
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