Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Video of Maryam dancing to Lady GaGa

Crazy eating news for Maryam!  She ate 1/4 of a grilled cheese sandwich! How great is that? Her eating is becoming more and more "normal" everyday.  I'm so proud of her. She's come such a long way this past year.
A year ago Maryam was 100% tube fed, wouldn't brush her teeth or put anything in her mouth besides water, Cheetos and Cool Whip. Today she will try everything we put in front of her, eats 3 meals and 3 snacks a day and hasn't had a bolus in weeks! A year ago I couldn't even dream of this kind of success.  I'm still afraid I'll wake up and all her success was just a dream.
I'm just so appreciative of what her OT and CHOC team has done for her.  I know a major part of her success is due to her own efforts and bravery.  I really am VERY proud of her.
Enjoy the video!

Jennifer Langdon
(619) 618-5742
Wife to Brett
Mommy to Maryam & Jax

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