Sunday, May 30, 2010

Fun photos

Mom had surgery on her foot last week. I've been going over in the afternoon to help her out while Dad is at work. Sarah came up Wednesday for Dad's bday and to help with Mom.

Wednesday we went to breakfast for Dad's bday. Auntie Karen, Uncle Tom, Auntie Kathy and Greg were all still here, so they joined us. Thursday Sarah and the girls spent the day at our house. That night they were all sick. Bummer. Also that night M started showing signs of an ear infection. Grrrrr
So Friday I took M to the doc. She in fact did have an ear infection and was given antibiotics. After that I left our kids with B and headed over to Mom's to help take care of the sickies for a few hours. Good times! Today I kept Charlie here for a while so Sarah could get some rest. At one point this morning I had Ian and Anna from next door, Maryam, Charlie and Jax all out front either on the tramp, popping noise makers or in the play house. We all had a great time!
As for the pictures.....
M sleeping in the shopping cart.
Jax and Addison facing off.
Me and my favorite nieces.
Jax and Daddy with Popper confetti on his head.
Jax enjoying his lunch.

Don't forget Jax has surgery on Wednesday. Say a prayer for him.

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