Thursday, December 9, 2010

Maryam's birthday!!!

Today is Maryam's birthday! Its hard to believe she was born 4 years ago!!! Today is the first of 4 birthdays where I can report that Maryam is perfectly healthy. Fascinating fact. She has been sick for all of her birthdays.
I'm also happy to tell my readers that today is the first of 4 birthdays that I'm not sad! I've made a conscious decision to celebrate Maryam's impressive journey through life. My little girl has gone through more in 4 years than most go through in a lifetime.  I'm VERY aware that there are children who have gone through more and equally aware of the children who don't get the opportunity.  That knowledge is what helps me realize how lucky we are to have our little miracle baby in our life.
I never thought I'd be able to tell you all that Maryam is a normal, healthy, 4 year old kid. She doesn't like going to bed at night. She doesn't like vegetables.  She doesn't like picking up her toys. She loves movies. She loves music and dancing.  She loves her friends and family. She's a NORMAL KID!
Happy Birthday to my baby girl. You'll always be my miracle baby. I'm incredibly proud and grateful for you being a part of my life.

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