Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The test

....the IV collapsed. First thing I did was call up to the NICU, talk to the charge nurse and told her what was going on. She agreed to meet me at peds and do the IV herself. Thank God for knowing people in high places and having the NICU on speed dial!
Alisa met us, checked the IV, started a new one and got us going again. The nurse manager for the NICU met us over there too. Jax got some Sweeties, some nursing and we were headed back down.
The test started at 2:35. We taped Jax into a little burrito and then for 45 minutes a machine took pictures every 30 seconds. The tech said that usually the kidneys stop glowing by the end of the test, Jax's were still lit up like the Las Vegas strip. I'm not sure, but I don't think that's a very good sign.
Jax fell asleep about 20 minutes into the test and laid there quietly, not moving, until it was time to remove the IV and catheter. He is such a good boy. Of course Tylenol and Sweeties helped with that. I'll post pictures when we get home. If I'm not too tired of course.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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